Mistakes Ethical Or Unethical

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Mistakes aren't meant to harm you, they're meant to help you learn. Think about it like if you're ever played a sport and you did something wrong in a competitive sport and your mistake leads to a point for the opposite team. It was a mistake that you had made and you know exactly what you did wrong that caused that mistake to happen. Then you in a way get a second chance, the team does that same exact same thing they did when you made the mistake thinking you will do the samething you did last time so they can score again. When really you know exactly what to do and how to do it because you learned from the mistake. Yes it is sometimes acceptable to be unethical or immoral, because you always learn from those mistakes that you made or you maybe need to be unethical or immoral for the sake of your safety. …show more content…

Self defense is a lot of times the reasons people get in trouble for. It's a lot of the times a reason because there is a lot of bad people in the world and sometimes in situations those people tend to try to hurt you in some way. You aren't just going do nothing and do whatever they want with you so that why you have to do something to protect yourself. The reason that self defense matters and that it is okay to be immoral is because sometimes you have to do anything to keep yourself safe. This also leads to learning from your mistake. The second and most important reason for this topic is learning from your mistakes. In order to succeed you must fail so that you know what NOT to do next time- Anthony D'Angelo. The reason that this is the most important reason is because nobody is perfect and you can't do everything 100% perfect. In order to reach your goal in anything you're trying to do you're going to come across a lot of mistakes but those only help you learn so you will know what to do next

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