Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

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In Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, there are plenty of lessons that we learn from this novel. The novel starts off with his grandfather being killed by a strange monster that only Jacob saw and no one believes that a monster killed Grandpa. (Official cause of death: rabid dogs.) After Grandpa's death, Jacob is haunted by nightmares of the creature with tentacles that killed Gramps. His life instantly changed with all this happening with the countless nightmares and severe depression. His psychiatrist, Dr. Golan, suggests he go to the island where Grandpa was raised, and maybe find the explanation behind his mysterious dying words. He went to the island and found out the surprising truth. He met some strange people transforming …show more content…

Jacob evolves tremendously throughout the novel, he went from being a regular sixteen-year-old to a hero saving Miss Peregrine and the peculiars. In the beginning, Jacob’s ultimate goal is to fully understand his grandpa’s last words and his grandpa’s childhood. Rigg’s demonstrates that as we grow up, we put childish things away. This is how Riggs first introduces us to our main character of the story, Jacob, and his grandfather, Grandpa Portman. It is made clear from the beginning that as a child, Jacob idolizes Grandpa Portman, and believes his tales of adventures. However, Jacob surrenders this belief due to name-calling at school. Jacob was very naive and innocent before he entered the loop, and he wanted to find out the truth of his grandpa’s stories. Believing in his grandfather, putting trust in the peculiar children, following Worm and Dylan to the house of excrement signify an innocence that is soon replaced when he becomes the leader of the peculiar children’s attempt to rescue Miss Peregrine. Becoming the leader of the peculiar changed Jacob a lot because now he feels like he finally belongs somewhere and has a purpose to his once boring

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