Misconceptions about Human Behavior in To Kill a Mockingbird

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How do we define normal human behavior? In order to determine the answer we must first determine what behavior really is, the conclusion is easy enough to reach: Human behavior derives from reactions to internal or external stimuli (Salvador); these reactions bring about emotions that dictate a particular response or behavior. These become part of a person’s personality, which defines their behavior, due to this, a person’s behavior is able to adapt to the stimuli with their environment and thus the definition of “normal behavior” is in a state of constant flux.

What remains to be determined is when does a person’s behavior go beyond the accepted norms of society and begin to reflect a mental illness. Though it is a work of fiction, this question is highlighted well in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, with the character McMurphy. Throughout his book, Kesey paints a picture of McMurphy as a slightly irrational and manipulative man, but for the most part in a sound state of mind. When this is contrasted to Temple Grandin, a young woman living with autism and yet still able to functio...

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