Misconception Of A Well-Known Folklore

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The Misconception of a Well Known Folklore

The Bible is not one big book, but is a collection of books all with a same purpose and theme. I am not a Christian or a believer yet it has made a big impact on my life. Growing up with an Atheist father and a Christian mother has put me on the fence regarding my belief of religion. I don't look at the Bible for teachings on how to live, I perceive it as old stories with good morals, just like any other folklore.

The Bible is split into two sections. One called the Old testament and the other called the New Testament. The Old Testament is filled with stories about the Israelites, a scattered people roaming the middle east. It's sometimes amusing to see how the group of people acts. As I read I kept thinking to myself why they acted childish. In one situation they complained to their leader right after being liberated from Egyptian slavery. The Israelites were going hungry and cried out saying that there was food in Egypt, and they were better off there. The leader, named Moses, had to make bread fall from the sky just to satisfy the hungry. Then there is the New Testament. This part of the book is where Jesus Christ gets in the picture. Jesus is is the son of God and a prophet that does many miracles. Although these miracles usually consist of spiritual and physical healing, he also walks on water, …show more content…

On multiple occasions God kills people directly and indirectly for things as common as teasing. In 2 kings Chapter two verse twenty three, some kids tease the prophet Elisha, and God sends bears to dismember them. Scenes like this confuse me because God is portrayed as a loving father yet he kills kids. In addition, there is also events where God kills thousands of people and can be seen as genocide. One of the most known genocides, referred to as the flood, is when God drowns the entire population of the

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