Mirages of Love

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We tracked down the “new wine” and found out the crazy princess was the owner. That night she had a ball and we crashed it.

I knew her palace too well. It was Jessalyn abode. Once I gained her trust and walked as I was the owner of this tasteless mansion. We were lucky it was a masquerade ball. I assume she was angry at me. I did romanced her until I got what I wanted from her. After I became a vampire I abandoned her and never thought about her again. A scorned female is something to watch out for.

Since the last time he was here Jessalyn had re-decorated. Her palace had more gold and precious stones embedded in its walls. It was a royalty statement. Not a good one if anyone asks him. We went to the ballroom. And the sight was worst than the previous rooms. However, the sight in front of us some could called a festive paradise for vampires. The tables had food on them.

Various human females and males laid naked on the tables. The guests were drinking from them and when one of the humans were dried out it was replaced by another. The stench of the blood was everywhere.

The vampires had their personal slaves attending to them. The main courses were the humans on the table but there were another drinks and appetizers available. The slaves brought them to their masters. Other masters apparently were already satiated and wanted other kind of services from their slaves. A lot of mentionable, and not so common exchanges of pleasures were accompanied with the sounds of pain or ecstasy were the prevailing music. For some humans this grand orgy could be disgusting. For what we were witnessing orgy was the most accurate word. For vampires who live their true nature was normal. I guessed, for my brother it was troublesome.

The perfe...

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... a second comprehension appeared in his eyes, but it disappeared as soon as it came. He ran in attack mode and I prepare myself for it. We stumble to the ground. Growls and hits, scuffing sounds. Kill him and survive were my only thoughts. Stefan help a little. Elena restrained my Little Bird.

Finally the crack of bones and a last breath was heard.

Elena opened her eyes and smile.

“Good morning. I thought that I dreamed you last night.”

I kept watching her. Realization hit me. Stefan's was right I love them both. I refuse to live another triangle from hell. I'll choose.

I caressed her golden hair studying her.

“Damon, what's wrong? Is it..”

“Don't ask. Don't break the peace.”

She nodded. I embraced her and shut off the tiny voice in my head. I had already chosen.


“I chose you, Princess. Always you.”

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