Differences And Similarities Between Minoan And Mycenaean

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In painting, Minoan artwork is very elegant, elaborate, and lively. The Minoan mostly illustrated aspects of Minoan life and nature. They used a true fresco method for many of their paintings. The human figures are portrayed as highly animated and had stylized shapes which showed a sense of self-confident. In the Bull- leaping from the Palace, Knossos, the fearsome bull is painted in a very sophisticated way. A very distinct representation in Minoan paintings is their portrayal of the human body which is always in profile, eyes in frontal view and the waist is pinched. The Minoan love of natural forms and flowing design was adopted by the Mycenaean but is more schematic and has a less life-like representation. While much of Minoan paintings involved curving lines and rhythms of nature, Mycenaean’s artwork consisted of mostly geometric designs and decorative motifs. The art of Mycenaean’s is more warlike, for example the paintings on the Warrior Vase show women bidding farewell to armed warriors. Mycenaean is very different from Minoan as there is not variety and no lively procession in its paintings. Both Minoan and Mycenaean though, display no indication of setting and lack landscape it their works of art. …show more content…

Some of these show women holding snakes, others show the Minoan interest in nature and graceful movement. Since the Mycenaean’s also practiced Egyptian funerary they mostly made deaths masks or weapons and golden cups to accompany the men into afterlife. These were made of mostly metal or gold. The Snake Goddess from the Minoans exhibits stylized conventions with basic geometric division. The funerary mask by the Mycenaean’s displays the how the artist’s recorded different physical types with care. The Minoans used faience to create the Snake goddess sculpture while the Mycenaean’s used the repousse technique to create their gold funerary

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