Mingus's Pithecanthropus

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The vamped sections of "Pithecanthropus" would in a number of ways , forshadow the developing flexibilty later sought out by the "free jazz" movement and the modal excursions soon to be recorded by Miles Davis (Homzy More 109). Mingus had composed the structure as a significant element of the tune itself, and it was intended that each soloist improvise over one complete chorus (ABAC) so that they can retell the story of the ascent of man in their own way (Mingus, Passions 88). This tune introduced metric modulation into Mingus' compisitional arsenal. Both the B and C sections consist of a vamp between the tonic(f minor) and a Bb dominant, with collective improvisation taking place during the short C section which occurs over a meter shift …show more content…

The whole work is based on two earlier Mingus' ballads: "Nouroog" and "Duke's Choice" (Priestly 19). Harmonic ideas for the more up tempo solo section is borrowed from "Nouroog" with the addition of a few extra measures of Bb major. The ballad section begins with the piece "Dukes choice", but the harmony from the orginal work is obscured by the employment of other melodies, and is followed with the first 8 measures of "Nouroog" in unison by the saxophones. Concluding the final 8 measures of "Nouroog" are presented very up tempo with a latin section repeated three times. The ideas of reshaping and reconfiguring his own music often mingled with his love for expressively deconstructing and re constructing popular American standards. For example, Mingus had set two Tin Pan Alley pieces, "September in the Rain" and "Tenderly" into "Septemberly," or using Rachmanioff's "Prelude in C# minor" as a significant counter theme in "All the Things you Are" (Gitler 34). He also had a very intense deconstruction of the piece on his album Charles Mingus Presents Charles Mingus (Hentoff 4). Mingus had titled the piece "All the Things You Could Be By Now If Sigmund Freud's Wife Were Your Mother," which Mingus uses as a vehicle for his compositional techniques, many of which are shifting meters, rubato sections, stop time, and double …show more content…

There are rubato sections, along with rehearsed cues it seems, but it is unclear by just listening where one of those cues begins and where one may signify an ending. Andrew Homzy states, "What Love...may be seen as one melisma with internal development" (More 153). Further analysis by Homzy presents the composition as: AA=6 rubato phrases, and B=3 rubato phrases, then followed by a return to a short and modifed A. The recording of "What Love" did not include a chordal instrument, which allowed Mingus to contract or expand the form and harmonic development however he saw fit (Passions

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