Mince Pie Research Paper

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Mince pies are traditionally eaten during Christmas. It was first made in an oval shape to represent the manger that Jesus slept in like a baby. The top of the pie represents his swaddling clothes. The spices in the minced meat were said to represent the gold. The pies are typically very small, two to three inches in diameter. The American pies version is usually four times larger which is able to serve many. Mince pies can be traced as far back as the 11th Century.

"Mince" comes from the word "mincemeat," which interestingly enough no longer contains meat. Mince pies evolved from a medieval pastry called "chewette." It was made with chopped meat or liver, boiled eggs, ginger, dried fruit and other sweet ingredients. It was fried or baked. During the 17th century, the meat products were reduced and more fat was added in the form of suet, from either beef or mutton fat. At some point during the 19th century throughout Great Britain and North America, mince pies developed to the point that …show more content…

The pie is cooked and dusted with caster sugar or icing sugar. As the years passed the pies gradually changed, first becoming smaller, then round and finally the savoury filling was replaced with a sweet filling made from dried fruits, spices, nuts and suet. In these days, people can even get the minced meat in a jar. The shops were well stocked with a wide variety of mincemeat, so this would be easier for those who want to bake the pies. Although some families still make homemade mince pies, they are readily available pre-made in most supermarkets. The best quality mince pies today will most certainly be homemade from fresh, organic butter or lard pastry and the own organic fresh and dried fruit and organic

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