Comparative Analysis of Euthanasia in Million Dollar Baby and Stuck in Neutral

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In this essay I will show differences and similarities to euthanasia in the movie Million Dollar Baby which we watched and the book Stuck in Neutral witch we read. Like how the two main characters Maggie from the movie and Shawn from the book are similar and different to the idea of death and euthanasia. And finally euthanasia to each of them and how it affects everyone around them. Shawn is a 14 year old with cerebral palsy and can't speak, move, or eat without help. Maggie is in her 30’s and is a boxer who in a title match gets in a bad accident paralyzing her and is only alive by life support but she still can talk. One thing that they have that's similar is they both are paralyzed at one point shawn's is from birth granted but by the time they die they are paralyzed. One thing that is different is that Maggie can talk still and make decisions and Shawn can't communicate and can't make decisions for himself. Franky is not Maggie's father but he acts as one as he is the only person caring for Maggie his mom wants all her belongings if she dies and her brother and sister don't care for her. A difference for Sydney Shawn's dad who is the one that wants shawn to be dead and Shawn’s …show more content…

Both the book Stuck in Neutral and the movie Million Dollar Baby are good, both show the same problem in way different perspectives both use a dog symbolising nollegment of death and both tell no matter how old you can die ether by natural causes or a

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