Mike Trout Research Paper

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Mike Trout is a baseball player for the Los Angeles Angels and plays Center Field. Mike Trout is a inspirational role model through his actions including mentoring kids, giving to charity and donating money to the Red Cross. First, Mike Trout Impacted young kids through mentoring, teaching them. Trout is the fifth player to win multiple All-Star MVPs, joining Willie Mays, Steve Garvey, Gary Carter and Cal Ripken Jr. The Elias Sports Bureau notes that he’s the second reigning MVP to win All-Star Game MVP honors, joining Dave Parker in 1979.Trout became the first player to lead off an All-Star Game with a home run since Bo Jackson did it in 1989 (Trout's All-Star Accomplishments). The meaning behind this quote is that from being such a good baseball player he have created an impact on many kids to be as good as him and he is making videos of him teaching on how to hit a baseball or field baseballs on YouTube and other social media websites. This is important because it is making more kids like baseball because in what kind of person he is helping kids to become better and understand the game. …show more content…

Mike Trout is the best baseball player in the world and it’s not terribly close. Mike Trout has been the best player in Major League Baseball since the day he broke into the league for good in 2012. Mike Trout is 25 years old, he has won two MVP Awards and finished in second place three times, and he plays in one of the world’s biggest media markets. (Berg). The meaning to this quote is that for being a young player you can accomplish a lot of thing and show people you can. I choose him because he shows this a lot in his game of

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