Middle School Clique Formation

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Middle school is the time when most cliques start forming. In 8th grade clique formation started for my school. Some of the girls in my grade created a facebook group that ultimately ruined my 2012. I was in this group but I was not included in it. There’s a difference. When it was the worst was right after I broke my leg (yes, not only did I have no friends/fake friends but I also broke my leg). Spring 2012: finals coming up, everyone getting ready for semi, talk of summer plans. Meanwhile I was on my couch recovering from my broken leg (my cast was up to my mid thigh). I had to take a week off of school according to my doctors so I spent a lot of time on my iPad waiting for someone to post something in “8 Green Girls”. Nothing. I was bored out of my mind. When it came time for me to return to school naturally I was excited for all my “friends” to see me again (and for me to see them of course). I arrived and went to my science teacher's room and sat in a wheelchair waiting for friends to visit and keep me company. I think I was only visited by four friends in total. They didn’t even stay to keep me company. They came. They saw. They left. That was it, nothing, it was definitely not what I expected. Fast forward 2 weeks. I got my giant cast off and was put into a smaller one that went just under my knee. It was so much …show more content…

I was so excited. Finally I would be able to walk and dance at semi, or so I thought. My ankle still wasnt strong enough for me to walk on it. I was forced to use my crutches. Tears streamed down my face on the car ride home. I was devastated. When I got home I got my dress out and hopped in the shower. Even with my crutches and my boot I was determined to have a good time. My parents drove me to semi, but before we left they took pictures of me. Those pictures make me cringe. Looking at them today brings back the horrors of my awful semi

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