Micro Issues In Schindler's List

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Micro Issues
3. Would you allow a child under 17 to see this film?
Yes, I would allow a child under 17 to see this film. I actually believe I was 16-years-old or younger when I first saw it. There are many disturbing scenes in Schindler’s List because the Holocaust was a horrific event. I felt the movie was extremely well made. I was mature enough before I was 17 to appreciate the film. Yes, I was disturbed by the film, but the viewer should feel affected in that way; it is a very moving film. Based on my personal experience of being prepared to watch this film before I was 17, I would allow other children under the age of 17 to watch it contingent on their maturity.

Midrange Issues
3. Some people have argued that certain historical events, such as the Holocaust or the recent genocide in Rwanda, should never be the subject of entertainment programming because entertainment can never capture the true …show more content…

Tolstoy argues that good art communicates the feelings of the artist to the masses in such a way that other may experience the same feeling as the artist. How does this film accomplish that purpose?
This film was very successful in achieving that purpose. To being with, Spielberg had a clear goal of what emotions he had about the subject in this movie. He wanted it to be “an act of remembrance for the public record” and a legacy of Jewish culture that would benefit the community as a whole. Spielberg takes over three hours to accomplish his goal. He uses the time to focus on what individual, Oskar Schindler, and to show the Holocaust from Oskar’s perspective. Spielberg does not use trite appeals such as scenes of Hitler to conjure up fear in the audience. Instead, he approaches the subject matter in a very honest way. There is a sense of sincerity throughout the film. The immense amount of character development in Schindler’s List allows for Spielberg to very effectively communicate his feelings about the subject matter to the masses as was his

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