Mickey Duck And Donald Duck

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Walt Disney had one of the most substantial imaginations this world has ever seen thus by creating the characters Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck. Walt used his own childhood life as an inspiration for his cartoon characters. His dad was a “stern religious fundamentalist, he readily disciplined his children with his belt. He also denied the children of toys, games, and sporting equipment associated with childhood.” (Walt Disney Business ) Disney grew up on a farm near Marceline Missouri, which happened to be one hundred miles northeast of Kansas City.(Walt Disney American) Disney had always enjoyed the country life. Disney had a difficult time getting an education due to his family 's constant moving but at the age of 16 he joined an art …show more content…

Oh, no! I 've got a belly ache!" - Donald Duck. Donald was created by Disney one day when he heard Clarence Nash doing his duck voice while reciting Mary had a little lamb. Donald was aimed as the character who was more negative than Mickey Mouse. Nash voiced Donald from 1934-1983. Nash was training Tony Anselmo to take over. Mickey’s famous line to Donald is “Donald, I can’t understand a word ya say”. Donald Duck’s is the only Disney character with an official middle name, which is Fauntleroy. The famous duck also has a twin sister named Dumbella. Late thirties Donald’s girlfriend Daisy Duck was created along with her three mischievous nephews Dewey, Louie, and Huey. The Neumann TLM-170 (a special microphone) was used to record Donald 's voice. Prefered for its warmth this microphone rounds out high tones and smooths the “splay” in his voice. On June 9th 1934 Donald Duck first appeared on the silver screen. His first animated short film was “The Wise Little Hen”. Donald has also starred in seven feature films which is more than any other Disney character. Mickey Mouse is six years older than Donald Duck. Walt’s famous duck won an Oscar for it’s 1943 animated short “Der Feuhrer’s Face”. That wasn’t the original title to this famous film though, the original title was “Donald Duck in the NutziLand” It is an anti-Nazi cartoon. Donald Duck is also the only TV cartoon character to appear as a mascot for a major sports team. In the Walt Disney family out of all the …show more content…

Walt Disney never got the chance to experience a childhood so he decided to create one using cartoon animals. He was inspired by barn animals that he grew up around in his childhood. Walter’s first success was Mickey Mouse in the original short film “Steamboat Willie”. Mickey’s first words were “ Hot dog! Hot dog!” which explains why some Disney songs sing about hot dogs. Mickey Mouse was named “The Ambassador of Happiness” and has a statue of him in Disney Land. Goofy was created as the clown for Disney. Goof was used to illustrate how to’s for human’s, showing their failed attempts. Goof then was introduced in a new movie and he is featured as a single dad raising his son. The creators of disney always tried to connect Goofy with the present day. Donald Duck is the only character with a middle name and has starred in seven feature films. In 1943 Donald won an Oscar for his short film “Der Feuhrer’s Face”. Walter Disney is the most visionary man this world has ever

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