Mick Synthesis Essay

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Music is a way for a person to get lost into sounds and harmony, weather its through ambient sounds or a vocalist telling a story. This allows music to have a power over us it allows us to go off to another place, a place where we can get lost into ones thoughts or express ourselves though dance. I believe music can be used to bring positive change throughout society by bringing groups of people together through mutual joy for a song or artist. There are numerous genres of music out there but one genre that has caught my attention is hip hop, most hip hop artist have faced some kind of struggle and their raps show how they over came it and have become what they are today. They create a positive influence by showing that no matter what you can …show more content…

My favorite album by him is “The Water[s]” and its probably one of the most influential albums that I’ve heard from a rapper. Through out the whole album Mick Jenkins stops to talk about water, examples being in his song “Jazz” he opens it up saying “Drink more water… or you may die”, In his song “THC” (The healing component) he stops to tell us how water is “the most important natural component in the word is has the power to create and destroy”. Now why it may seem like he’s crazy, but in actually he’s right water can destroy you by drowning you or save you from death by dehydration, water is always needed. But the deeper meaning behind this album is that water is actually a metaphor for the truth and just like water the truth is as important to our lives (Genuis). This promotes values such as honesty in the world and if everyone would listen to this and understand this it can help us become a nation of truth and advance as a whole, politics is nothing but lies and deceit if they had some truth maybe we wouldn’t be as bad off as a country. I know this album has taught me to be more honest to myself and everyone I know because lies get us no where but trouble. Mick Jenkins also talks about how we are all beautiful we are all gods creation, these values of self-love can make a person feel wanted which not everyone has the chance to feel and for people who have been bullied this album can and has shown that they are beautiful and wanted because we are all gods

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