Michael Sandel's Argument Against Genetic Enhancement

649 Words2 Pages

Question. In the following passage, Michael Sandel offers an argument against
allowing genetic enhancement.

1. Identify the argument and represent it in standard form. (3 marks)

Identify the argument

“The problem with eugenics and genetic engineering is that they represent the one-sided triumph of willfulness over giftedness, of dominion over reverence, of molding over beholding” (Sandel, 2004, p.59).

Standard form

P1. If genetic engineering could create difference between human class, the molded over beholded
(wilfullness over giftedness).
P2. When people get exposed to genetic engineering it may influence and inspire them which is not
legitimate and reasonable, or where some are not exposed to genetic engineering, the resultant …show more content…

It offers a question that if genetic enhancement of grown-ups or kids starts being utilized, and numerous individuals are chosen or designed or modified later on in future, will this ‘pomposity’ and ‘inhospitality’ increase significantly compared to present world? This supposition as of now exists- - will it truly be more basic or more grounded? We are left to our creation/imagination, and he doesn't help us consider this probability.

In conclusion, his contention about genetic enhancement is shameless because it falsely forms individuals' lives, regularly guiding their fates in bearings that they would not uninhibitedly pick. In this manner, in spite of having an impediment in his case, it speaks to a major infringement of their rights as individuals. In my opinion, Sandel’s claim is plausible that the world with genetic engineering will contain imbalances and inequalities. Hence, it is immoral to accept genetic engineering.

Word Count – 486


Sandel, M. J. (2004, 04). THE CASE AGAINST PERFECTION. The Atlantic Monthly,293, 50-54,56-60,62. Retrieved from

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