Michael Jackson Research Paper

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Andre Castiaux was just like any other 1980’s junior high kid, save for his greater appreciation for music. When Andre was growing up, he had an interest towards many different types of music, but he was especially fond of a rising genre called pop and the artist who served as the primary catalyst to its rise, Michael Jackson. “In the 80’s, it was very common to see several different types of cliques including burnouts, rocks, preps, jocks, and socialites” (Castiaux). The most popular type of groups were based on music genres, with Andre even starting a club based on Michael Jackson and his music. Michael Jackson, an American artist, was born on August 29, 1958. Michael’s career started at the age of five when he joined the Jackson 5, an …show more content…

Though Michael was one of ten siblings, his father did not believe that the girls of the family could be successful. Michael soon became the lead vocalist of the 1960’s motown group created by his father and that’s when his career took off (Biography of Michael Jackson). In the early 1980’s Michael’s fame began to rise. After his album “Thriller” was released he reached number one in the music industry. Many people of all ages began to purchase the album, including Andre. Once hearing the music Andre was quickly drawn in by the rhythm and style. He began sharing the news with his friends, Andre grew to love Michael more and more with each passing day, he even bought the same nylon jumpsuit as Michael. “He was one of my favorites, I grew up under his iconic music” (Castiaux). Michael not only was a rising star, but he was a symbol for determination. In Michael’s book “Moonwalk” he says “ In the end, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and those you love and work hard. I mean, work like there's no tomorrow. Train. Strive. I mean, really train and cultivate your talent to the highest degree. Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about …show more content…

In 1993 ,“There were a lot of charges and allegations that he was a sexual predator. He owned a ranch that he called “Neverland” and supposedly there was some sexual misconduct on the ranch” (Castiaux). His ranch “Neverland” was used as a camp for children. It had beautiful gardens, a large pool, a train, a petting zoo, and even a mini amusement park. The camp was meant for Michael’s loss of childhood but became something more, a place for children, “I do it quietly because real charity is from the heart, you know?” says Michael. However, in 2003 police searched Michael’s ranch, and the case People versus Jackson began, but in 2005 Michael was aquitted(National Public Radio). After the search of his home, Michael felt violated and never went back to living there, only just occasionally visiting. Was Michael truly a bad guy because of these assumptions though? “I personally believe things were blown out of proportion” (Castiaux). Perhaps things were blown out of proportion, but in 2002 Michael dangled his very own child, Prince Jackson, out of a hotel balcony! “I believe he had all good intentions, I just don't think he thought out how it would be perceived… He was presenting the new baby for the paparazzi to see, which was then perceived as dangerous and careless” (Castiaux). This was also during the time of the child molestation charges, so adding this event did not help him in any way, and ironically

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