Michael Alexander Essay

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Michael Alexander is from Indianapolis India. His current job title is a developer at ABC Pro inc.and relatability is an Olivet Nazarene University student graduate. He is currently a very successful individual doing what he enjoys. Michael Alexander is a quite normative graduate he loves what he does, had trouble on landing a job after college, and wished he could have payed more attention in school. Michael's job consist of software development, database management, server management, and general IT help. It really demonstrates the importance of having multiple skills, and how they can help you be more knowledgeable; as a result, bring more to the table. In addition, this is a great example of how you can set yourself apart from other individuals …show more content…

Many students simply focus on receiving a degree and not so much the information you can get from the process of acquired a degree. Michael was no different, this is sadly very common. Many people focus more on remembering and having fun while in college; as a result, individuals tend to exclude learning.
Now that Michael is out of college it wishes that he had payed more attention in school. The reason being is that he realizes the value and the importance of the curriculum that he was suppose to learn, especially since he has a development job position. Therefore, he is forced to relearn certain things that he should have known to begin with. His advice is to us is to pay attention in class and actually learn. I personally think is great advice because a lot of things students are doing are memorizing and they don't exactly know the theory behind what he or she learning. Michael loves his job and plans to stay at ABC Pro Inc. However, it was not always that way. Michael did not have any experience once he went out in the real world which resulted in some casualties such as frustration. It can be quite hard to land a job with no experience, concluded that we must indeed try our best to find an internship of some sort and to keep applying and hope for the best. The more experience you have in your belt the better position you’ll be once graduation has come

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