Mexican traditional dance

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The official name of Mexico is called Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. This country is a federal republic with thirty one states and a Distrito Federal which is much of Mexico City. (Standish, 2009) Mexico is the located in North America with the United States and Guatemala as its borders. Mexico is surrounded by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Mexican culture has many influences from other cultures including: Spanish, German, French, indigenous peoples and African tradition. (Cross, 2008) All of these cultures have mixed and influenced Mexico’s common beliefs. Mexico’s religious beliefs represent a mixture of the two cultures; Indian and Spanish. Before 1519, when Martin Luther led a rebellion against the Holy See by attacking abuses and indulgences, Europe was predominantly Catholic. (Schlarman, 31) Europeans were conquering the New World during the 1400’s-1500’s. Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon were married in 1469 and became rulers of Spain . (Roark , Johnson, Cohen, Stage & Hartmann, 2009) Queen Isabella was raised and was taught the Catholic teachings which influenced the way Spain was governed during her reign. During this time period, Ferdinand and Isabella were Reconquering Spain by “eliminating Muslims, persecuting Jews and purifying Christianity.” (Roark , Johnson, Cohen, Stage & Hartmann, 2009) Christopher Columbus was also deeply religious just like Queen Isabella (Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage & Hartmann, 2009) and he convinced the queen to allow him to “Sail across the Atlantic Ocean to reach to China and Japan.” (Roark , Johnson, Cohen, Stage & Hartmann, 2009) Isabella agreed to Columbus’s expedition because she wanted to spread Christianity, gain glory for Spain, but mainly she wanted to gai... ... middle of paper ... ...California Press, 2006. Kirkwood, Burton (2009). The History of Mexico: Second Edition. (pp. 6, 21-22) Retrieved from (2003). P. Jeffrey (Ed.), The Human Tradition in Mexico (p. 181). Willmington, DE: SR Books. Roark, J., Johnson, M., Cohen, P., Stage, S., & Hartmann, S. (2009). W. Lambardo (Ed.), The American Promise A History of the United States (5th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 25-26, 37,42). Boston, MA: Bedford/ St. Martin's. Rodríguez, S. (1996). The Matachines Dance : Ritual Symbolism and Interethnic Relations in the Upper Río Grande Valley. (pp.1-5, 125) Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press Schlarman, Joseph H. Mexico, a Land of Volcanoes: From Cortés to Alemán. (p.31) Milwaukee: Bruce, 1950. Standish, Peter (2009). The States of Mexico : A Reference Guide to History and Culture. (p. vii) Retrieved from

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