Meteor Research Project

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He would rush home to tell his wife about his findings. Jasmine believes his without a doubt. The couple was dumbfounded at how they were going to solve this problem. Michael and Jasmine would begin scouring the Internet to find out what would be the most effective way to get rid of the meteor. After hours of in depth research, they both would find that the best way to get rid of the meteor would be to blow it up. Now the couple would have to find a way to construct it. After all this they would find that a rocket would be the best way to destroy the meteor. They need to find an organization to help them construct the rocket. Luckily they found one called Space Protectors. This organization agreed to help the couple in order to save earth. …show more content…

Johnson still did not believe the meteor situation until one day, another astronomer went to Jacob about the meteor. Upon this, he could not ignore the situation no longer. Once the situation became a reality, then the both sides were joined together to help with the mission. With the united intelligence the situation became possible to avoid.
The rocket was coming along perfectly when the day came when Michael and others realized the meteor was coming closer and closer quickly. This caused the rocket assembly to be pushed to be done quicker. There was still some time needed in order for the rocket to be constructed. Michael was trying his best to stay calm seeing the meteor come close and closer to view. He was the leader of the combined group. This meant he had to talk to the American people about the whole situation.
The mass population freaked out upon the news of their planet and lives being in danger of being wiped out. Regardless Michael was a smart enough man to know how to keep the people calm. He has confidence that the problem would be resolved before they are put into danger. The whole planet was put on edge about the situation. Many people would go out publicly asking if the meteor would be destroyed. Also many people privately would ask if it would be done in time. The organization was confident that the rocket would be done in

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