Metamorphosis Rhetorical Analysis

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Metamorphosis ABCBC Paragraph In the “Metamorphosis” by Franz Khafka, the straight forward style enhances the nightmarish quality of the work. This means that the straight forward style or emotionless narration makes the story more scary seeming. One instance of Khafka’s straight forward style is seen in the first sentence of the story. The narrator says, “Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he changed into a monstrous verminous bug” (par. 1, Khafka). This is very straight forward without emotion as this is the first sentence of the story. It sets the tone for the rest of the story which is emotionless with a bit of fear to it.. The lines after this give no indication of why he is a verminous bug as well

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