Mesopotamia Research Paper

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What explains the similarities and differences between the river- valley civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt? Mesopotamia is the civilization of man. A second civilization, form by 3000 B.C., benefited from trade and technological influences from Mesopotamia but it's different in society and culture. During that time each cities had their own god, both civilizations grew up around water. However, the most obvious foundation of all civilizations is their need of water sources. Both Mesopotamia and Egyptian civilizations existed on the banks of major rivers. In both places, they believed that the forces of nature reflected the decisions and actions of their duties. Each has a champion god and also the Greece were powerful. The most important …show more content…

Why were the king necessary to have in each cities? The king is suppose to represent god on earth, you need a king to keep things in place. At times the rivers would produce deadly flash floods and on other occasions there would be droughts that would diminish their water supply. You need a king to motivate, also to dig labor so people can live, keep peace and give the law. He was the lord of both upper and lower Egypt, major peoples had their own gods and their ow beliefs which embodied the major values in their world. How did god eat and who fed him? God lives in a temple, he had to get fed twice a day, also all food was brought to the temple. They had to keep a list on how god ate. The temple was the tallest temple, temples were used as observations to highest point. In Mesopotamia, it was believed that gods ruled the world. They were said to have behaved like human beings only they lived much longer. Each individual god embodied the most important natural entities. Unlike Mesopotamia and Middle East, where an original river- valley basis to civilization ultimately gave way to spread to civilization throughout an entire

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