Merton's Deterrence Theory

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The goal of criminological theory is to help one gain an understanding of crime and criminal justice (Akers & Sellers, 2013). Theories cover the making and the breaking of the law, criminal, and deviant behavior, as well as patterns of criminal activity (Akers & Sellers, 2013). These theories have an impact on our childhood, adult, and everyday life. In this paper I will be applying the deterrence, Merton’s anomie, and labeling theory to my life. Deterrence Theory The deterrence theory is defined as a core principle of classical school and rational choice theories. The primary purpose of punishment is deterrence rather than vengeance (Lecture 8: Classical Theory, Deterrence Theory, Rational Choice Theory, Routine Activities Theroy, 2005). …show more content…

It is also important to understand the role that access to acceptable means for achieving them plays (Akers & Sellers, 2013). When an individual realizes that the not everyone can achieve the American dream of equal opportunity for economic success (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). When this happens, one of 5 adaptations will occur. 1) The conformist accepts the goals of society and the means for achieving them (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). 2) The innovator accepts the goals of society but rejects the means of achieving them (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). 3) The mode of rebellion refers to one who refers both the goals and means of society, and wants to replace them with new goals and means (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). 4) The retreatist gives up on both the goals and means, and withdraws from society (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). Finally, 5) the ritualist rejects the goals and accepts the means (Merton's Anomie Theory, 2013). This theory applies to my life because I grow up in the “average”, middle class household. Both of my parents are educators at universities and I am grateful beyond words for laying a good foundation for me and my sister. On my 13th birthday, my father looked me in my eyes and told me to get in the car. We got in the car and he just drive. I didn’t know where we were going and all of a sudden he pulls over and stops the car. As he was taking the key out of the ignition, he told me “This is North Tryon St. were people have two professions, being a drug dealer or a prostitute. Do you want to live like this?” With tears in my eyes I shook my head no. He continued to tell me in life you have to work hard and nothing is free. Education is the most powerful tool that no one can take from you. We sat in silence

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