Mercutio Quits In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Between these two stories i think that they both share a hidden them of “Brotherly love never quits” In Romeo and Juliet most of the characters show this in one way or another, but in that was then this is now the evidence usually floats between mark and bryon through most of the story.

Firstly, In the book Romeo and Juliet, in Act I, scene ii, Benvolio and Mercutio are out in the streets of verona joking around with each other and Mercutio states “God send me no need of thee” This reveals to the reader that Mercutio and Benvolio have a very close and brotherly like relationship, close enough to joke around with each other. I think that Mercutio and Benvolio are very close and always have been and Benvolio is more of the peacemaker between Mercutio and Benvolio, Mercutio does not care what he says and that causes him to get into many situations. Thus for Mercutio being slain at the hand of Tybalt. In Act III scene i when Romeo is coming back from the wedding he runs into …show more content…

I think that this shows how Bryon alone is aloud to tease Mark he would beat anyone else up if they had teased him about it and he let Bryon because they feel as close as brothers.
In chapter 6 of the book Bryon and M&M are out on the ribbon and Bryon is speaking to M&M “Hey man you need to stay and look after Cathy when i'm not around, You're the only person i trust with her” This reveals to the reader that Bryon is showing love towards M&M before the moments that he disappeared with the hippies. I think that this shows that Bryon truly does care about M&M, since he does plan to marry Cathy M&M’s sister. Bryon does not show the care for M&M as much as he

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