Mental Illness In America Essay

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A mental illness is a condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling or mood. One in five Americans are diagnosed with some sort of mental illness each year. But what exactly is mental illness? This illness can affect one's social life, work and family relationships. One half of all mental illness begins by age 14 and 75% begins by age 24. With warning signs and detection, mental illness can be treated and improved upon. What is America doing now to prevent mental illness? I think more could be done. Imagine A seventeen year old girl grabs her lunch tote, sits down among friends, and pulls out her cell phone at school. She is lost in a sea of people as she texts on her phone through her lunch period as her friends and classmates talk …show more content…

However, is a common thread between them. The text they sent out was HOME to 741 741. This is a crisis text line that does not discriminate against age, gender, or public status. Just like mental illness. Mental illness knows no boundaries. Their text immediately receives a reply from a trained crisis counselor. An anonymous conversation helps the texter go from a place of isolation and sometimes, fear and panic to a feeling of calm and provides hope to the individual after counseling. This is just one service provided in the country to people that suffer from a mental illness. One single outlet that is offered to help the know they are not …show more content…

The Crisis text line is set up to help people from all walks of life to text in discreetly from anywhere , anytime of the day. This ensures that they get the help they need to help them cope with a bad day, bad moment or in some cases, bordering on taking their own life. The crisis text line is just one avenue of many that can be sought out after one experiences what feels like a mental illness or a manic episode. The referrals that are offered to the texters are endless. There are many different avenues that a person can take depending on the needs and the accessibility in the area that they

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