Mental Illness And Social Identity

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Over the years, mental illness has been used to categorize based on cultural beliefs. This can effect on how a person can perform because it would decrease self-esteem because people are assigned a social identtys.The social roles are looked as expectations that would cause rejections on the individuals. Social identity promotes self-devaluation .Therefore, people who have mental illness are told to accept deviant identities based on the perspectives of others. The social identity promotes shame and diminiguish self-esteem and promotes social isolation. The origin of shame is followed by having a superego that produces fear by identifying ourselves to be better than other people. Therefore, superiority causes fear because it an individual would …show more content…

However the images that we are trying to convey will not be related truly to who were outside of the stage. For example, when a college professor is not at work and questioned when they are not in our roles. This shows that we are only looking as one specific role. We are only focused on the image that the person is trying to convey. We are not truly looking at who the person really is. Also, we choose an attitude when we play a role by being sincere and cynical. We need to embrace our believe about what role we are playing. However, we are cynical about playing many roles because we are distant from believing in our role. Also, if they do not follow the script and they will be …show more content…

Also, by working together can help address concerns about how people with mental illness needs are not attained. People should be acquired to obtain treatment in jail and hospitals. People that has mental issues need to ensure that their rights are being protected and fundamental freedoms with disabilities that suggest no discrimination. Also, promoting the wellbeing and proving care and support. Also, Mimi zing services and using presentation, Creating programs that help them adapt to society. Also, train staff to recognize and to respond to, mental illness in a positive way. Also, they must obtain partnerships that can help them by ensuring them that they have the appropriate mental health in order to reintegrate back in community. Having a mental health discharge plan can be useful they should be respected and shouldn’t be labeled by their condition because is inhumane. Labeling theory can be approach of deviance because a person who is labeled negative reject themselves and act deviant because of the label. For example, disabled are labeled as deviant because of preference and intelligence. However, the self-identity and behavior of individuals may be influenced by terms that classify them. The imbalance of cultural goals and structurally leads individuals to deviant behavior. Realistic conflict focuses on finding alternatives for

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