Mental Health Case Study

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In addition, Mr Young was deemed lacking capacity because he scored low with a mini mental state examination (MMSE), his score could have been associated to a UTI or some cognitive impairment, bearing in mind; he’d been diagnosed with dementia. Within the hospital setting this is an ongoing daily challenge across the field and often medical professionals find this challenging. MMSE is primarily based on requiring clients to answer various questions, this does not focus on a specific decision to be made (Dawson & Heath, 2008; Mental Health Foundation, 2012). However, the MMSE could still be useful as part of MCA, ensuring that the client is aware of whom they are, date of birth, time, address, month, year as well as ability to retain information (Mental Health Foundation, 2012). From time to time the MMSE can be an indication to request for further examination when clients scores very low in the test. For example, on discussion during weekly multi agency meeting, medical professional were advised to carry out further investigation as this may be as a result of cognitive impairment or (UTI). However, the MMSE is not frequently reviewed at different time of the day. For example, someone suffering from Dementia may be …show more content…

She refused amputation as advised by medical team who was treating her at his time. There were confusion around her capacity to make medical decisions and she was discharged without having surgery to her foot. On returning home, her foot became mummified and detached itself and required a procedure to close the wound. JB continues to change her mind to the event that her foot needed to be amputated to prevent infection. The NHS applied to the Court of Protection for a declaration that JB lacked capacity to consent to have medical treatment and it would be at her best interests to have an amputation through her knee and to be sedate if she

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