Mental Disorders In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, she states “there are Solidarity 9-6347, who are a bright youth, without fear in the day but they scream: “Help us! Help us! Help us!” into the night,in a voice so which chills our bones our bones.” (p.47). The reader can see that Rand means many mental disorders are untreatable. I believe Solidarity 9-6347 has PTSD, something might have happened to him as a child. Most mental disorders cannot be cured. Solidarity 9-6347 may have been through some type of trauma to make him have this mental disorder. As it relates to the rest of the novel, this quote is significant because others might be scared of him because he’s different. The people from his time are afraid when people are different. They can’t accept them because

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