Exploring Existential Questions in Siddhartha

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Analysis of Siddhartha
By: Daisy V. Gonzalez 3º
Date: 8/18/2016

Having a Master that has taught us to search for the meaning of the words my first reaction after buying the book was to search for the meaning of Siddhartha; which is a compounded word derivate from Sanskrit langue and means; Siddha (achieved) and Artha (what was searched for), and when both words are conjoined the import of the word is "he who has found meaning (of existence)" or "he who has attained his goals".
The novel seems to portray the essence of my own being or anyone who is searching for answers to the usual self questioning of what is the core of our existence. Is this real? Am I living a chimera? And so many questions that probably have been haunting many of us during our secluded internal dialogues. While reading this novel, comes the realization that is impossible to silence the echoes of my mind, and the awareness that we are always looking for answer to questions of that which is unknown to us. The author teaches that renunciation is not easy and that enlightenment it is hard to reach. It is a reminder of what can be achieved by any who is mentally strong as usually is told by one of our wisest brother. Therefore for me, Siddhartha symbolizes any person …show more content…

In retro-expect it seems that many of Siddhartha’s steps are similar to those we made in the passage of our lives. For example: I was a believer of the Gospel in the Catholic Church, I once thought of becoming a noon. I have lived in poverty but also have enjoyed living in luxury. My eyes have seen the worst dearth in the humankind. I have been able to observe those who are poor in spirit and are constantly living with hatred, vengeance, and ignorance. Life itself is not an easy passage and this reading reaffirms my conviction that following one’s heart is the right way to go and that everyone can learn from life

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