Meaning Of Love In The Odyssey

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What is the meaning of love? I thought it was about being happy, feeling complete, knowing that there is someone there for you, who loves you for who you truly are. I never knew it would cause so much pain. There were so many tears wasted, so many sleepless nights. Is it my fault for loving her? Where did I go wrong? Why did she do this to me? How can one person cause so much pain? Maybe it's all over nothing, I should never have fallen into this dugout of pain and depression. She was a siren, and I was Odysseus. Using her soothing voice, she lured me towards her, only to throw me away like a piece of paper. But I was oblivious to all the signs, and by the time I realised what she had done to me it was too late, she chewed me up and spat me out. The place she put me in was exactly like this story. No one …show more content…

But it didn't stop there, she came back to me saying how he didn't love her, and how she wished he was always there with her. It always felt as if she wanted to rub her happiness onto my lifeless emotions. If only it stopped there, but no. It kept on going and going and going, for two years straight. I feel stupid talking about it. To you, it may seem like he wasted his time, he wasted his efforts, why did he continue trying even after she left him for someone else. To answer all these questions, you will need to understand what love is. Yes, I am not in the right place or situation to be expressing what love really is, but I do know that what I felt was love. Even though the "relationship" was not mutual I know that my love was 100%. Maybe this is all stupid, maybe it was all a waste. I had hope, and I still have hope that maybe one day, one day soon, she will realise the pain she had put me through. But now, still looking back at the situation, with the way she dealt with our situation, I don't think she will ever understand the pain she put me

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