Mauricio Quintanilla

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Mauricio Quintanilla comes from a school in the Kansas City Kansas area, Wyandotte High School. While Mauricio attended Wyandotte high school he took part in a couple of activities such as soccer, track, and the business student board also while attending Wyandotte he obtained student of the month once in Mauricio’s junior year. While Mauricio attended Wyandotte high school he took several business courses such as Computer Applications, Marketing, Business Essentials, Accounting, Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Communications. Mauricio also had part in business pilots programs such as Youth entrepreneurs and business allied scholars. This were Mauricio has cultivated and developed a passion for business. This is why Mauricio …show more content…

Mauricio is driven and focused on getting good grades throughout his semesters at RockHurst. Not everything has been well for Mauricio’s transitions into the college environment. At first he didn’t have enough financial help to attend RockHurst university but later on with help Associate Vice President for enrollment at RockHurst he worked something out towards achieving one of his life goals. For someone that seems so driven to attend college you would think that he would have a good support system, in some ways he does and in someway he doesn’t. Mauricio comes from a low income family who just seems to have enough to get by. Because of this Mauricio must all so work throughout his semesters. He was never really encouraged to obtain higher education. But at one point that all changes. Mauricio is the first to attend college in his family. Mauricio gets a lot of his support from his church, Grandview park Presbyterian church. Where he has found people that he can trust and rely on to talk about problem’s or just to get advice on how to go on about life. He has found help from people such as Randy Lopez and Rick Behrens that have always been and are willing to offer advice and help Mauricio either succeed and progress on in

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