Giovanni Bellini

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Giovanni Bellini was born in Venice, Italy around 1430. He was the son of Jacopo Bellini, an esteemed painter at the time, and probably began his career along side his brother as an assistant in his father’s workshop. Though his artwork was influenced by many of his friends and relatives, Giovanni possessed certain qualities in his compositions which set him apart from the others. He blended the styles of both his father and brother-in-law, Andrea Mantegna, with his own subtle appreciation of color and light, the high regard he held for the detail of natural landscape, along with the very direct human empathy he placed in his painting. These components of Bellini’s personal style became foundational to the character of all Venetian Renaissance Art. Bellini later developed a sensuous coloristic manner in his work which became yet another characteristic he contributed to the Venetian Renaissance Art.

Giovanni used tempera as medium in his early paintings but later switched to using oil paints instead. He was always a painter of natural light, even amongst different mediums. When he made the switch, it brought both a greater maturity and individual style to Bellini’s work.

As his career continued, Bellini became known for his landscapes and naturalistic depiction of light. Giovanni founded the Venetian school of painting, and lived to see his students succeed and even some of them become more famous than he himself was. His life ended in Venice in 1516, but his contributions to Renaissance art would live forever. Bellini brought a new level of realism and nature to art, innovative subject matter, and a new sensuousness in both form and color. Giovanni’s personal attitudes and styles predetermined the special nature of Venic...

... middle of paper ... Gallery of Art. National Gallery of Art. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. This source provided information on the elements of Bellini's, "Feast of the gods". This information was used in the analysis of the work.

Turner, Jane. "Bellini, Giovanni." The Dictionary of Art. Vol. 3. New York: Grove, 1996. 657-68. Print. This book provided a wealth of knowledge and information regarding everything involving the artist Giovanni Bellini. The information was extremely detailed and was used in writing both the biography and analyses.

The Venetian Renaissance: Giovanni Bellini & Titian's The Feast of the Gods. Perf. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Stephen Zucker. Smart History. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. This video was very informational in providing expert opinions on Bellini's painting, "Feast of the gods". This source was used in providing professional criticism on this painting.

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