Matsigenka Falls Short Story

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It was late June in the year of 1981. A man named Travis and his dog Marshall travel through the thick rain forests of Peru, on a nice vacation. Marshall, walks at a cheerful, fast pace… Mostly keeping his nose on the ground the whole time, just letting his sniffer guide the way. Travis pets Marshall periodically, and gazes at the amazing scenery of the Peru rainforest. They come upon a breathtaking waterfall in an opening. It was just then when Travis notices a man standing near the waterfall, also gazing it. Travis and Marshall walk up to the man, and he now notices them. He smiles at them kind of creepily, but Travis just puts that away and decides not to judge the man. “Just beautiful, isn’t it?” Travis asks. “Yes, but not as beautiful …show more content…

But they had to leave absolutely everything behind to praise their gods. What they had a hard time leaving behind though, is all of their gold. Not that it gave them money, but they needed it for marriage. Our, um, diamonds are like their gold. They supposedly melt it with that waterfall’s,” he points, “water. That waterfall’s name is Matsigenka Falls. So anyways, they would melt the gold, and use it. But one day, a man named Chief Watagashi went to the waterfall praying for good luck, after the tribe got a nasty sickness. He puts the gold into the water, and the waterfall crafts a harp, with deer fur braided strings. The Chief got confused and just left it by the side of the river. Then, the Chief threw the three red, blue, and yellow feathers from his headdress into the river. This shows respect to the legendary Matsigenka Falls. After the Chief left it, it started to play by itself. Then, no more sickness. See, it brings good luck to everyone in the Matsigenka tribe. So when they wanted to go to the different universe, they had to keep the harp protected. So to this day, a man, or ghost, wanders the forest keeping this harp safe and protected. But he can’t move it, otherwise the good luck will be spoiled and the tribe’s, and the harp’s, magical powers could end. And whoever tries to get the harp, will be absolutely butchered by the ghost.” “Good thing it’s not true, that’s kind of

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