Mats In Romeo And Juliet

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Theater, in our culture, have grown rapidly over the years that it has been occupied. In 17th and 18th centuries, dances were written as record. As our cultural evolved, in 19th and 20th century, dancing became a dance notation. Each era has a different type of dance that related to that period of time. In able for dancers to be organized and taught the moves, they needed some type of teacher, which in our modern we call them a choreographer. A choreographer have the role to design dances, which can also refer to the design itself. A choreographer is one who designs dances, which can also be called dance composition. Mats Ek is a ballet and Swedish choreographer that creates new elements of movement and expression of dances throughout his life …show more content…

Mats tried to go back to the source, which is Shakespeare, but before that was an Italian short story called Juliet and Romeo (CAPELLE). Capelle stated that Mats said “when reading the play, major conflict takes place in the family of Juliet” (1). Friendship between Romeo's friends along with Benvolio and Mercutio. But the pressure is built towards Juliet to an extent which can signifies that she should get first hand in the title. Mats continued by stating that with something that everyone know so well, the title also becomes almost a label, and by turning it around may open the door to rethinking it …show more content…

He stated that his work will not be part of his life for now until his death, which is when Mats will give his work to those he trust. It is remarkable for one of the most famous choreographer’s, worldwide, is not only retiring, but also withdrawing his work from society. Mats’s only purpose of his decision is because of freedom that he wants, which is to live the rest of his remaining years that he have with his family. At least our most famous choreographer, Mats Ek, will never stop dreaming and

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