Massey Energy Explosion Case Study

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Massey Energy Corporation failed to comply with governmental regulations for the application of rock dust. Thus, resulting in an explosive coal dust build up on the surface and in the air. Over fifty percent of the mine area where the explosion happened was poorly rock dust at the time of the explosion. Additionally, it was found that the area of the longwall where the explosion began had not been rock dusted since September 2009. Upper Big Branch Mine failed to have enough ventilation to provide miners with fresh, breathable air, and to remove methane and coal dust. Particularly, the push-pull ventilation system failed; consequently, the methane from the poor ventilation delivered fuel for the initial fireball. Also the water sprayers on the longwall shearer were not working properly and failed to extinguish the initial spark. After this event, Massey Energy Corporation version of what caused the explosion was completely different. The company blamed the events leading to this explosion on an unfortunate labor accident. …show more content…

Massey seemed to have a history of unethical actions. Furthermore, the vice president of safety statement further validated unethical behaviors within managers. Miners were often threatened or disciple when they complained about safety concerns. Although Massey actions were obviously unethical in regards to worker safety, the company did uphold other corporate social responsibilities. Massey Energy Corporation provided jobs in poverty stricken communities. The company also funded several educational programs. In addition to the aforementioned corporate social responsibilities, Massey Energy Corporation should equally commit its efforts to protecting the environment. Also, the Massey should restructure their focus on ensuing a safe work environment for

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