Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Structuralism

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Frankenstein and Structuralism

Professor John Lye of Brock University, California describes literary theory as: "a collection of related theoretical concepts and practices which are marked by a number of premises, although not all of the theoretical approaches share or agree on all of them."

The first segment of this essay aims to define the main views of structuralism, one of these theoretical approaches. Structuralism, in particular the work of Ferdinand de Saussure, created controversy as it directly challenged some of the values of the everyday reader in the way it attempts to disregard the actual content of writings, and instead concentrates on form and diagrammatics. As the name suggests structuralism is concerned with the interrelationships between structures and the general laws by which they work.

In his essay dated 1968, Roland Barthes sought to convince the individual reader that the author is obsolete; writers only have the capacity to draw upon existing themes (or structures) and reassemble them in a different order. This typically structuralist view completely defies a writer's ability to express himself through unique, individual stories leading many to term the approach as 'anti-humanistic'. Barthes clearly drew influence from Northrop Frye, author of 'Anatomy of Criticism', who outlined these repeated narratives as the comic, romantic, tragic and ironic. In turn these corresponded respectively to the four seasons, compiling what Terry Eagleton refers to as 'a cyclical theory of literary history'. It would seem through this that Frye achieved his ultimate aim, by creating a critical theory that was objective and systematic. To summarise, Frye and most structuralists soug...

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...Popular Classics

Smith, J. 1992. Frankenstein: Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism. St. Martin's Press

Essays / web-sites

Lye, John. 1997. Some Characteristics Of Contemporary Theory. Brock University, USA

Lye, John. 1996. Some Elements Of Structuralism and Application. Brock University, USA

Redhill, Simon. 1999. Structuralism and Semiotics. Australian Catholic University.

Klages, Mary. 1997. Claude Levi-Strauss. University of Colorado, USA

Klages, Mary. 2001. Ferdinand de Saussure. University of Colorado, USA

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