The Globe Theater, Home of Many of Shakespeare's Plays

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The curtains of the play draw, the audience, quiet and eager waits for the lights to dim to see what William Shakespeare had brought before them. Shakespeare’s plays became enjoyable and fun to watch, seeing actors dress in amazing costumes and props used in The Globe Theater. (1-1)

The Globe Theater Architecture based on the structures similar to The Coliseum in Ancient Rome. Architecture on a grand size would house a capacity between 1500 to 3000 people. Classic Greek and Romans admired by the Elizabethans and sometimes great columns included the architecture. The Globe Theater design reflected the elements of Roman or Greek classical plays. It had supposed that the Globe Theater had an octagonal shaped building. The design of The Globe Theater included the features of the existing sport rings such as the Bear Garden, which became used with the addition of a fixed stage. A thatched roof composed with either straw or reeds. Packages of straw or reeds piled on top of the roof. The bundles had circumference between 24 to 27 inches and range from three to seven feet long. (2-3)

The structure of The Globe Theater quite complicated. There isn’t an inside picture of the Old Globe Theater existence just a diary composed together with sketches of the interior layout. Pictures of other theaters such as The Swan and the Elizabethan theaters had similar design. Before entering the Globe Theater the audience paid a fee of one cent in the box to watch. The halfway task structures lead to yard where groundlings to watch the play. The Lord’s room rated the best seats in the house. The Lord’s room able to hear and listen to the actors clearly. The upper class paid five pennies and cushioned seats were supplied. The Heavens, ...

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... and clowning. The actors would drive in pouring rain even though their clothes soaking wet. The road would turn into mud but they pressed on to the next village in hopes of taking cover. Some stage wagons would have curtained changing booth on top and quickly set up. During the traveling performance several people try to watch without paying money. The Inn-yards became a busy place yet it always the best spot for a play and had a great audience.. People would stand in the yard and watch from the gallery also.

The Globe Theater, home of many of William Shakespeare’s plays became exciting to watch and hear. Shakespeare’s plays will forever be heard from generation to generation. People would come from all over to watch his creative side from costumes to props and his actors. Shakespeare’s writing will always influence writers to write great poems and plays.

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