Mary Ames: The Ideal Model Of Evil

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Evil, one word, two syllables, two vowels, two consonants. Definition: The opposite of that which is ascribed as being good. Evil? What is it? What is it made of? Can you eat it?. Any preacher, teacher, mentor, master, professor, coach, educator, or tutor who claims to know what is evil and where does it emanates from is simple and utterly a liar. Evil is not a thing you can touch or some microscopic parasite that you can examine under a microscope. Evil is not physical, although it sometimes it is said to be. Evil in its most purest form is mental. Take for instance the story of the perfect girl with no one ounce of impurity who ends up killing her whole family over night, or the tale of two little children who murdered their parents by only using their imagination. They are the living example of mental “evilness”.

For starters, imagine the most flawless and pristine character, and then multiply that by ten. Then and only then can you get the inerrant Cathy Ames. Well, Miss Ames is the ideal model of perfection, an angel fallen from heaven. She grew up in a really crappy town, not really knowing the difference between “good” and “evil”. Some children at a very young age understand that public nudity is very taboo, but she didn’t. In fact everything that the other children found wrong she found curious and intriguing. She started to experience a lot of things at a very young age, thus waking a kind of twisted way of thinking that couldn’t be overwritten even with the best of therapy. Her understanding of people’s emotions, carnal desires, and greed gave her the utmost advantage. Later, over the years of her youth she use those said advantages in her favor. In the middle of one night she had disappeared, that was the same night...

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...t way. Now that they could hurt someone, maybe, but if they do it would because something or someone might push their mental capacities to the extreme causing them to lose a sense of what they’re doing. What if that person lost it so much that it would started to do terrible things like abducting and murdering children. Well then they would be judge by either of this two standards. One, the person is mentally ill on the grounds that a normal, sane person would not do something so terrible and senseless. Or, that the person is evil on the grounds that a normal, non-evil person would not do something so terrible and senseless. They sound kind of the same don’t they? well that is because they are the same thing. Evil doesn’t just exist under your bed, it exist inside the minds of everyday people. It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.

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