Marxism In Health Care Essay

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As current heated political and economic deliberations about universal health care suggest, the topics of fair and equal access to basic health services and assuaging inequalities in health care is at the forefront of society. Many disagree on the best methods and theories by which to achieve these goals. Marxism holds that all people of a society are equal in material matters and that each person should contribute according to ability and receive according to need; capitalism should be disregarded and the power taken from the bourgeois should be given to the working class. Yet, under the reality of communism, only those in positions of power live well, off the productivity of the masses. Communistic societies suffer because those who are most productive are not rewarded monetarily for their hard work, rather they are taught to believe that others deserve the money and benefits that they have earned …show more content…

Thus, the communist system subverts the reward system of economics. This is a theory that American citizens would not accept and, long term, this model cannot succeed. While a person can choose, voluntarily, to give away their hard earned money, when forced to give it up, resentment builds, and the result is lack of efficiency in any industry. When there is no personal reward, there is no desire for citizens to push harder and excel. Rawlsian theory of social justice maintains through the major principles of liberty, equal fairness of opportunity, and the difference principle that each member of society should have the ability to possess equal rights, opportunities, and goods essential to survival. Rawls’ broader societal vision provides significant considerations concerning health care inequalities. In A Theory of Justice, Rawls addresses health care policy indirectly. The right to health care may be realized as a way to

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