Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream Speech

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“I have a Dream” speech. August 28, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the speech “I have a dream”. This speech touched the hearts and opened up the eyes of millions of people in America. This speech is about how racial equality is extremely important for people to peacefully concur. It describes how racism effected the lives of African American people. In the speech Dr. King talked strongly about how the current generation at the time needed to make a better environment for the future generation. Dr. King spoke about what needed to be done in America to overcome racial inequality. He used examples on how things haven’t really changed from a hundred years ago when President Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation to free slaves from slavery. Years later African Americas were still not free of racism and segregation. He spoke about promises that were not fulfilled for example: The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution lists rights for United State citizens that men are created equal but African Americans were still not being treated as equal. African Americans and white Americans in the south were not allowed to drink from the same fountains, use the same bathroom, sit next each other, vote and etc. At the time Martin Luther King’s speech was a very powerful and …show more content…

His speech also had literary techniques that were very important in convincing the people listening. The structure and length of his speech was also a way he captured the audience’s attention. Dr. King used a lot of repetition in his speech which was a great way for his ideas to stick into the audience’s mind and really get his point across. He had factual evidence to back his speech up which helped to convince people what he was saying was true, important, and something America really needed to open their eyes to but also take charge

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