Martin Luther King Integrity Essay

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Martin Luther King Jr. once said that “the time is always right to do what is right”. Integrity is a word that is taught to us at a young age. From the time I was little to my senior year in highschool I have heard the word integrity countless times. Teachers, and parents always tell kids at a young age to live with integrity. Living with integrity does not seem that difficult. Most of us can go through our lives being honest, trustworthy, and fair. However, showing integrity can be difficult when you are working to achieve a difficult goal. Whenever you are faced with adversity while working towards a goal, you can start to question if having integrity is worth it. Showing integrity while working to achieve a difficult goal is very important. Martin Luther King Jr. is one role model that I believe is a great example of why it is important to show integrity while achieving a difficult goal. King’s main goal was to end racial discrimination and segregation in the United States. This type of goal was a goal that would test King’s integrity. Throughout this process King had faced death threats, hate, and discrimination. However, despite all of the adversity that King was …show more content…

We all want to have them and we all want to achieve them, but we want to achieve them in a way that we can be proud of. That is why having integrity while achieving a difficult goal is important. Martin Luther King Jr. kept his integrity throughout his whole process of achieving his goal and today he is held at such high respect and is looked at as a role model for people. He achieved his goal in a way that not only he could be proud of, but in a way that the people who loved and supported him could be proud of. When we show our integrity while achieving our goals, we are able to achieve them in a way that we can be proud of and the people around us can be proud of. This is why showing integrity throughout achieving a difficult goal is

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