Marriage In Hindu And Mongolian Culture Essay

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Marriage in Hindu and Mongolian Culture
Arranged marriages is main process to find women in Hindu culture. 90% of marriage are done by arrange in this culture (Kapoor). Web. Arranged marriage is the main way for marriage in Nepali culture. Marriage is an important social bond between families. When a child reaches marriageable age, the family elders are responsible for finding a suitable mate of the appropriate caste, education level, and social match. The bride’s family provides usually a dowry to the groom’s family what they demand. But nowadays it’s not necessary. A dowry is illegal in this culture these days. The cost of a wedding is really expensive mostly to the bride’s family. In the past days arranged marriage was really hard for brides and grooms in this culture. The reason was they didn’t know each other and the interesting thing was they never even saw each other’s face until the marriage date. Hindu castes do not generally approve of cross-cousin (out of a caste) marriage, which is preferred among some Mongolian ethnic groups. Among some groups, a bride’s price substitutes for a dowry. In others, clan exogamy (choosing partner outside of one’s clan) is an important feature of marriages. Until recently, it was common to marry more than one women, but now it is illegal and found only in the older generation and in remote areas. …show more content…

If women if available they just offer some alcohol in front of bride’s family and they can take women. It was easy process before finding women in Mongolian culture. When they take women they get married when they had their first baby and have to invite all relatives. Elder gives bless wishes in this culture for groom’s and bride’s and bride have to pay with some kind of fancy items or money. In this culture marriage take almost hole one day, but they have lot of things games, pranks going on that day for good

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