Marlene Pinnock Case Summary

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A video clip was upload on YouTube on July 1, 2014, recorded a California Highway Patrol Officer (Daniel Andrew) sitting on top of an African-American woman, later identified as Mrs. Marlene Pinnock (51) and consecutively hitting the victim in the face and head. According to the Associated Press, Ms. Marlene Pinnock was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and no medical treatment during 2-3 months before the incident. Officer Andrew said Mrs. Pinnock was self-endangering herself and other drivers and vehicles while walking on a sidewalk of the crowded moving highway in west Los Angeles, CA (ABDOLLAH, T, 2014).

However, according to CNN News, a motorist David Diaz, who recorded the video clip, reported that Officer Andrew had approached her from …show more content…

Pinnock case medical result has showed from her medical test after she was hospitalized showed, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a manic depression disorder after the incident occurred (PARKER, R., 2014). Officer Andrew told the press that the woman was endangering herself "upon contacting the subject she was talking to herself. The subject began telling me 'I want to walk home' and called me 'the devil.' The subject then tried to walk into traffic lanes (CBS News)”. In an interview with Mrs. Pinnock, she said "He grabbed me, he threw me down, he started beating me, he beat me. I felt like he was trying to kill me, beat me to death," Pinnock told the Associated Press (Jauregui, A., 2014). Mrs. Pinnock told the LA Times The officer "just started punching me and socking me and beating me," Pinnock said. "Blow after blow and blow after blow. He just wouldn't stop." (Parker, R., 2014). CHP Commissioner, Joe Farrow responded to news, "When this incident occurred, I promised that I would look into it and vowed a swift resolution. Today, we have worked constructively to reach a settlement agreement that is satisfactory to all parties involved," Farrow said in his statement (Parker, R., 2014). The incident was resolved on September 24, 2014, after nine hours of negotiations between Mrs. Pinnock attorney and CHP in court in Los Angeles. Accordingly, the victim will receive compensation of $ 1.5 million as a settlement, while Officer Andrew will be force to resign from …show more content…

It has always been a major concern with the U.S citizen because of issues like discrimination and brutality. After many assessments and special training, many departments have formed special units within their department to deal with particular crime as a strategy to reduce work load and prevent officers from becoming burnout. Regardless of arguments offered in support of racial profiling as an enforcement tool, the practice has been widely condemned as being contrary to basic ethical principles, and national public opinion polls conducted by the Gallup Organization show that more than 80% of respondent are morally opposed to the practice of racial profiling by the police, although beliefs about the use of racial profiling vary widely by race (Schmalleger, F.2014)

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