Marjane Breaking The Veil Summary

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Since Marjane is maturing, she begins to create her own opinions and express them, but the thoughts are still partially biased.
Extension Marjane is growing up, and she wants to be involved in the internal conflict of Iran. One such conflict is about gender differences. The main issue about women in Iran is the veil. Generally, the conservatives want the veil and liberals do not want the veil. While Marjane and her family is watching the news, the news anchor brings up how wearing the veil is mandatory to protect women against rapists.
Example Marjane exemplifies her opinion by saying:
If women faced prison when they refused to wear the veil, it was also forbidden for men to wear neckties (that dreaded symbol of the west). And if women’s hair got men excited, the same thing could be said of men’s bare arms. And so, wearing short-sleeved shirts was also forbidden. (Satrapi 75) …show more content…

The idea of the veil being widely hated most likely came from her parents due to the fact they are both against it. She does not have her own, original ideals, but she begins to demonstrate based on how she challenges her parents’ beliefs. She is not as naïve as before, but she still is to an extent because she believes what goes on in her household is how the government and society should work. She emphasizes her substantial knowledge, but she does not understand some women want to wear the veil. Marjane continues to create her ideas off of other people, so she is not completely able to make her own

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