Margaret's Addiction

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House of Games is a film starring Lindsay Crouse as Margaret Ford, the famous psychiatrist, and Jon Mategna as Mike, the con man. The film was released in 1987 and the setting of the movie seems to reflect a similar time. The movie begins with Margaret taking in a patient who is threatening suicide over debt owed to the head of a poker ring named, Mike. Fearful of her patients intentions, Margaret investigates the bar where "Mike" is supposed to be in order to settle the debt. In order to settle the debt, Margaret has to become a side kick to Mike, helping him win a huge hand in poker. They develop a relationship after her interest in how Mike's mind work peaks. She cannot seem to take herself away from Mike and his lifestyle. Margaret …show more content…

Margaret is a psychiatrist who specializes in fixation and addiction. She is most notably know for her book, "Driven": Compulsion and Obsession in Everyday Life. Her popularity due to her work and best selling book leads to her ignorance. Margaret has so little insight on her own obsession that she is easily lured into a life of crime by con men who may understand human nature and motivation more than the famous psychiatrist herself. Margaret prides herself so much on being able to cure other of addictions and problems that she does not realize she is becoming a victim. Margaret shows most of the key symptoms of someone who is addicted. She is embodiment of a sensation seeker, going from a composed author to a full-blown criminal in a matter of days. House of Games is a wonderful movie which highlights the dark world of self control issues and human nature. The con men, especially Mike, are metaphors for her self control issues and addiction. This is apparent throughout the movie, the more she encounters these men the farther she falls down the deep dark hole of her psyche. The film doubles as a social commentary about self control issues and having to face them. The entire movie is battle that she eventually comes to terms with. In the end, Margaret accepts that her problem cannot be fixed by running away and she embraces

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