Margaret Thatcher's Eulogy In Honor Of Ronald Reagan

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Former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, encourages optimism in her eulogy in honor of Ronald Reagan. Thatcher’s purpose is to remind the audience of Ronald Reagan’s qualities that help get through American challenges. She adopts a nostalgic tone to adjust the audience’s attitude towards a struggling society. Thatcher uses structure, shifts, and diction in the first two paragraphs of the eulogy. Parallel structure and a shift is used in the first sentence of the first paragraph shows her closeness to Reagan and parallel structure and a shift shows how the audience can relate to Thatcher. “We have a great president, a great American, and a great man, and I have lost a dear friend.” Thatcher uses this line to help establish the relationship/friendship she had with Ronald Reagan to allow the American people to see him through her own eyes. She exhibits her and Reagan’s closeness by calling him a dear friend but she also shows how the audience can relate to her by using the world “we.” The diction she uses sets the stage for the establishment of her friendship with Reagan, also. Thatcher states, “His policies had a freshness and optimism that won converts from every class and every nation.” Her use of “every” more than once is significant because she is trying to emphasize how Reagan …show more content…

He could connect with anyone’s needs. In the second paragraph, there is a shift of diction when Thatcher refers to Ronald Reagan as “Ronnie.” This

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