Marc Antony Rhetoric

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THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS AND RECONCILIATION INSTEAD OF REVENGE. MARCK ANTONY Why did Marc Antony have the best speech at the funeral? Marck Antony is portrayed as a skilled orator and a cunning manipulator of public. Marc Antony had political skill and the ability to manipulate people's emotions. Although, Antonio delivers the most effective speech because he has the statesmanship and ability to manipulate people's emotions. Marc Antony uses rhetoric effectively to generate sympathy for Caesar and stoke anger against the conspirators. His speech is the key turning point in the play and demonstrates his political astuteness and skills as a persuasive orator. Marc Antony begins his speech by praising the conspirators and calling them "honorable …show more content…

Antony's ability to connect with the audience, evoke emotions, and cleverly manipulate their feelings played a significant role in the impact of his speech. His words resonated with the people and turned the tide of public opinion in his favor. However, Antony continued to tell the Roman citizens about his affection for Caesar while Caesar's body was lying down, so Citizens were trying to understand the influence of the speech. Antony was carrying in his hands a parchment that had been left by Caesar and the citizens were trying to understand the content of the scroll that Antony wanted Antony to read to discover possible revelations or important information that could influence the political situation at that time. To conclude, Antony was creating a moment of suspense and drama by not wanting to read what the scroll said, that tactic generated intrigue in the crowd and kept their attention, adding an element of mystery to his speech. that was part of his strategy of his speech to create mystery and revelation. That's why Antony had the best speech because he acted with maturity and I prefer sincerity to betrayal. and then, Antony was part of the Second Triumvirate after Caesar's

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