Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)

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Mara Salvatrucha, also known as "MS-13", is an international gang of violent criminals that originated in Los Angeles, California in the early 1980s. The gang was comprised of Salvadorian immigrants who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars that took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Originally the gang's main purpose was to maintain a protective environment for Salvadorian Immigrants from older, more structured gangs in the area. These other gangs were mainly composed of African Americans and Mexicans, so there was no possibility of becoming a member. Due to high deportation rates of MS-13 members during the 1980s and 1990s, influence and size of the organization in Central America has grown exponentially. …show more content…

Although there have been a few cases of Mexicans joining their ranks as well. A large portion of MS-13 members cover themselves in tattoos representing MS-13 and their achievements within the gang. Common tattoos include the "Devil Horns", "MS", "Salvatrucha", the name of their smaller clique within the gang. Minors are usually the suspects arrested for the killings attributed to MS-13. Many school districts were reluctant to admit minors with no parents into school when they initially arrived from Central America. This just results in the child being left at home to be vulnerable to MS-13 recruitment. Due to the gang's large increase in size and steady spread of influence, people thought MS-13 was pro-actively recruiting their members. This turned out to be false, and due to the overwhelming vulnerability felt by community members and the news attention garnered by the gang there has never been a lack of new recruits. If the gang ever wishes to induct a new member, they will offer easy access to drugs and alcohol. The gang will also accelerate the time line for a member's trial period or even skip requirements to allow easier entry. But these are usually the …show more content…

It's up to them if they'd like to join. Once the recruit informs the gang they'd like to join, they will then be put on a trial period and will conduct lookout services, provide intelligence, and other basic tasks for the gang. During this time, they'll be called a "paro" or "bandera". The second step involves becoming promoted to a "chequeo". The recruits will still be in the process of becoming a member, but they will be required to perform increasingly criminal tasks. Some recruits can spend years as "Chequeos", depending on the area they're in. Those who have been "Chequeos" longer than others are given respect by new recruits for their time commitment. In any case, at this point the Chequeo is seen as being associated with the gang. Formal entry into MS-13 relies on passing a final exam, which can vary depending on where you are. In El Salvador, a chequeo must commit a murder for MS-13. In America, he'd only become a full member after attacking a rival gang member. The gang will view a member differently depending on where they went through their initiation. For example, those who take their exam in El Salvador are viewed as more hardened than

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