Mandan Tribe Research Paper

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According to the four sources, the Mandan tribe, also known as the “tattooed people” because of their many blue, black, and red tattoos, was an Indian tribe of Native Americans whom lived in small villages along the Missouri River in North and South Dakota. This tribe started in 1250, and the last event recorded was in 1889; it has been called the Mandan Tribe since the first whites arrived in America. The Mandan tribe had many different lifestyles, beliefs, and businesses that affected the entire tribe in their daily life. The Indian lifestyle of the Mandan tribe is not as different from the american lifestyle as it sounds. Indian children, just like white children, went to public school, played with their friends, and worked with their mothers.”They do the same things all children do--play with each other, go to school and help around the house” (Source A). Indian men and women split the work for their …show more content…

“Aboriginal Mandan religion centered around a belief in supernatural powers that were shared by all living things” (Source D). The Mandan also believed in multiple gods or creators that made the Earth that they know; the most significant, in their opinion, were the Lone Man, “Old Woman Who Never Dies, the Sun, the Moon, Black Medicine, and Sweet Medicine” (Source D). According to Source D, the Indians believed in this so deeply that they held an annual, four-day ceremonial event that celebrated the very mysterious creation of Earth and the possibility of life itself. Death was also a belief that the Mandan tribe accepted because one of their gods told them they would die, and they buried their dead just like we do in the present. “Although death was caused by not following tribal customs, it was considered normal because Lone Man decreed that people would die. People had four souls: two went to the spirit world and two stayed on earth” ( Source

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