Manahawkin Muck Soil Research Paper

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Manahawkin muck soil (MakAt) is comprised of the Manahawkin series which are geographically associated with Atison and Berryland soil series and are represented by 10.3% of the AOI. The taxonomy classification is sandy or sandy-skeletal, siliceous, dysic, and mesic terric haplosaprists. The distribution of this soil class is developed through the coastal plain of New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania. MakAt were mapped and disclosed as miscellaneous land types. The name given to the miscellaneous lands was "Muck" (Source). There are significant major uses within the manahawkin muck which include the wetlands wildlife habitat and woodlands. Dominant vegetation also occurs within MakAt class. The vegetation includes atlantic white cedar, bald cypress, pitch pine, red maple, blackgum, sweetgum, swamp chestnut oak, …show more content…

This soil is geographically associated with Atsion, Berryland, and Downer soils that were discussed above. Galloway series soils have a taxonomy class of mesic which is the lower level of soil taxonomy temperature scale. The distribution of the soil is through New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware, Maryland, and Delaware. The vegetation developed with the galloway soils are wooded areas that are heavily dominated by mixed oaks, sweetgum, red maple, pond pine, and loblolly pine. Major uses of the Galloway soils are cultivated crops that consist of corn, soybeans, hay, and truck crops. Loamy soil loses the quality of nutrients when it is strictly compacted because it depletes the organic matter, dispersing clay throughout the now compacted soil. Usually loamy soil can be found useful in farms and is used for its crumbly and soft conditions. Another way loamy soil can be used is for the construction of building homes. The development using this soil would be post and beam construction layering the soil within the walls to control humidity and air

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