Malala Yousafzai Research Paper

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Introduction To receive an education is to receive a basic foundation for success. Education is a necessity and “has been regarded in all societies and throughout human history both as an end in itself as a means for the individual society to grow” (Felix). However, over 30 million girls around the world are deprived of this basic human right.According to Global Citizen, at least 1 in 5 adolescent girls around the world are denied an education due to poverty, pregnancy, school-based violence, early marriage, gender norms, school fees, or domestic work. Education empowers all people to lead a better life. Discrimination against all people, especially women, needs to be non-existent in order to create a better world. All women should have access …show more content…

Malala Yousafzai, a 18 year old girl who grew up in Mingora, Pakistan, possesses a vigorous passion for equality in education. Her and her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, worked tirelessly as advocates for secondary education in Pakistan.The Taliban posed a large threat to their cause, as they aimed to restrict education and keep girls out of school. Malala wrote a blog for BBC Urdu service under a fictitious name and expressed her concern regarding the Taliban's threats to close down her school. In 2012, at age 14, Malala was singled-out and attacked by the Taliban on her way home from school. The masked gunman asked for Malala by name and shot her with a single bullet through her head. Malala remained in critical condition in a hospital in Birmingham, United Kingdom for more than 3 months (The Malala Fund). Her attack sparked outrage around the world and brought attention to the ongoing conflict of prejudice against girls in education. Malala was awarded the …show more content…

Child marriage is one scenario that keeps girls out of the classroom and confined to a life of mediocrity. Being married as a child severely lessens the likelihood of girls finishing school; girls who are married as children are twice as likely to drop out of school than those who are not (Right to Education Project). Early marriage, in any situation, should not be advised, especially if it will restrict a person’s

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